What is the point of this place !
January 23, 2018

I often find myself talking to people about how great I have found Thailand to be. From the culture to the people and food the beaches to the amazing forests. But what made me want to do this site? I have seen many sites that focus on training in Thailand or millions of travel sites. I want to give you more, not just all the information that I can provide but also some inspiration. So let me give you a little insight. Read on!
This is 100% my point of view on things and on my life. You may not agree and that is totally understandable. So for starts, I am going to be 43 on this coming Saturday, January 27, 2018.. I do not have a wife or children so this affords me the opportunities to do just about anything I want with no one to answer to. This is an absolutely perfect way for me to live.
I grew up in Rochester New York this was the first chapter of my life. Now that I am at this point in my life I like to look at life as if was a book (not a movie ) movies take way to many shortcuts and leave out all the real details. So Rochester being the first chapter of my book of life this was great and the only part of my life that was not in my control. I was born there. I grew up a middle class would say both parents worked full-time jobs and my mother was diagnosed with MS when I was around the age of 13. My grandfather, who was the strongest man I had ever known. A real man’s man back in the day. he could work on cars and drank and swore and would not hesitate to fight at the drop of an F-bomb. He got diagnosed with terminal cancer and I was there every day to watch the strongest man I knew reduced to a fraction of the man I knew. It did break my heart and made me realize at any point this world make give us a big FU. So this is the point I decided to start my adventure of life!
I moved to Florida and was in heaven I always chose places to live by the postal address. When I went to Florida I wanted to live in the world famous Daytona Beach. So I did. This Chapter involved some great times.I was into street racing my mustang and into sportbikes and stuntin. I was building a good name in the custom car audio industry and had some true friends. I was also shocked by a call from my sister that was news that our dad had suddenly died. I was married and then divorced by some full-on Jerry Spring type situation. I dated and had some great times. Then I witnessed betrail by some close family and some friends. I was over Florida after about 9 years in the gunshine state and the recession was in full recess mode and I thought where do people go with there last dollar and have the dream that they can be rich? Vegas baby! So I sent an Email to a shop that I had seen on TV at one point and within a week the owner asked me to come out and stay a week to see if I wanted to work at his shop!
Boom now off to sin city! I was there a week the city was great. I don’t drink never have I don’t do drugs or gamble. I figured I would be ok here. I flew back to Florida after the first week and was like hell no the sales guy at this shop was a straight up asshole and I didn’t need to take shit from a sales guy I had talent. I told the owner this exact thing. Ok, he says and I figure we are done. A few days later I get a call and he says “that guy you didn’t like I fired, when can you move ?” I was like well let’s get to Vegas and within a week I was back on a flight to Vegas for another month all paid for by the shop owner. he gets me a house to rent and was hooking e up with cars to drive. Nice cars BMWs and Escalades. I was in hook line and sinker. When I went back a month later I moved and that was the next chapter.
I was screwed over at this job and I knew that If I had a way that just by treating customers right I could make a business of my own right here in Sin City. So we had a falling out and I was off to try it on my own. An old coworker and I teamed up with a former customer who wanted to financially back a custom shop and I was feeling like this was my chance! So we went for it ….and got screwed over again. I had become good friends with another former co-worker and he was freelancing and I told him I wanted out and asked him if he would bring a trailer by so we could bet my toolbox out and I had a customer that wanted his boat done. So bam we get my toolbox and next we head to the marina to do an audio job on a large boat. Looking back we way underpriced the job cause the point was just getting enough to get a small shop and we did. So Audio Innovations of Las Vegas was born. We had a good run working on super high-end cars Lamborghini Ferraris, Bentleys did quality work for many other custom shops in town also the biggest limo companies in Vegas.
Sin City was great this is the city that I found my home at the world famous Wand Fight Team ! the gym of Pride and UFC veteran Wanderlei Silva. I fell in love with the training the family and made some great friends. training Muay Thai, MMA, and Jiu-Jitsu it was what I did with all my free time. I started with Muay Thai and within a month was train all 3 on a regular basis. I did end up falling in love with Jiu Jitsu and really putting all my focus into training and competing. I won a IBJJF World Championship in Jiu Jitsu in 2013 and kept competing and learning. It wasn’t until my first trip to Thailand that I realized that I missed training Muay Thai and I wanted to really get back into that. At that point, I knew that I wanted to live in Thailand and as you can see when I want to live someplace new I tend to make it happen. So I returned to Thailand for many visits and started this website. I did so because I found it hard to find more than a little information at a time on most sites of where to train and then another site on where to stay and then yet another for things outside of Muay Thai to do in that area. So here it that solution
I began to talk to my sister who lived in New Hampshire and on one occasion she called me while I was in Thailand. I had talked about planning on moving and after all the family we had lost or even the ones we did not care to keep in contact with, we were close. So kinda out of nowhere, she asked me if I wanted to move she would want me to move up to New Hampshire first and spend time with my 2 nephews at that time only 2 and 4 years old. She offered me a job and said I could bring my dogs and live there. So within a month of getting back to the states, I talked to my partner and told him I was over Vegas and I would just give him the business. I wanted my next chapters to be more simple and more about life than what I owned. I packed up and moved to New Hampshire for a 2-year stay!
I was kinda talking back and forth to the owner of the academy that my nephew had started training Jiu Jitsu at and he was also offering me a job he wanted to grow a Muay Thai program and he thought With my experience training in Thailand that I would be a perfect fit for what he wanted in his 2 Academies . I was not so sure and when I got here I went out to help him remodel one of the schools and he was adamant that I was the new Muay Thai coach and he wholeheartedly believed in me after only a few short meetings and training only one time over a visit that I had made to see my sister over a Christmas the year before. Within that first month, I was now the coach of one of the academy’s and I put together the whole training curriculum on what I had learned in Thailand.A few months later I was now the head Muay Thai instructor of both academies and using all the training techniques that I brought back with me from the home of Muay Thai.
I found a new home and a new chapter in my book (life) in this past year and a half and I didn’t even see all this coming. I almost looked past it to get to the Thailand Chapter.
So what is the point to this Website well on the surface this will be a place that if you are interested in training martial arts in Thailand or a few other places that I will provide you with a review, photos, prices of the gyms also interesting things to do in the areas? The reviews and places that I stayed while training at these places.What I really hope to do is to inspire YOU! Inspire you to take the leap to make your life interesting so interesting that if it was a book that someone that never met you would say “damn that was awesome” . In return, you inspire someone to do the same. I don’t know if we get more than one shot at life or what happens after. I do know this will be the one that I enjoy. The one that I live making people say that sounds cool, or wow you really did that. I am not an amazing person. I am not rich. I do know that I am living my life, I am making memories that will be amazing for people to hear and enjoy when I am gone. I do know I am enjoying the hell out of this shot at life and even when its bad I am the one that will control what happens next. I control the next chapter and I will control the whole damn amazing book! Please don’t waste your time to work 6 days a week in a job just cause it makes you the most money. Walk places, so you can see whats really going on for fuck sake put the phone down once in awhile and even leave the house without it. This alone with show you so many things we are missing!
Live the life that YOU would want to read a book about. Not because you know the person the book is about, but just cause its one hell of a story!