Walking Street Pattaya TH
Another of the most famous ( infamous ) walking street in Pattaya Thailand. I always wander down the street a few times when I stay in Pattaya. This is a long street that like most are blocked off at night for the nightlife. A few live music venues, Many gogo bars, and a few dance clubs line the street that is always flowing with onlookers. You can forget that all the little side Soi (streets) that are just like fingers to this sin city street.
Street vendors, This walking street has some street food vendors but not as many as some that I have been to. There are some restaurants ranging from McDs to some nicer ones at the far end of the street closer to the peer.
bars, clubs, gogo, If you ask me Pattaya is the real Sin City, not Vegas. This walking street is nice and wide for the large crowds the bars feature live music one has a Muay Thai ring in the center that you can enter and fight a real Thai. Most of the time it is a drunk tourist or 2 Thai doing a staged fight. The clubs are packed later in the night and have many freelance working girls and bar girls after they leave work. loud music, not bad drink prices and filled with people. No cover at the dance clubs
and as far as I noticed I didn’t see any dress code enforced but some of the guys do “dress up” not sure why cause they all seem to be picking up working girls. The GoGo bars are plentiful. the girls outside grabbing men and yelling trying to get them to come in. I can not give you the break down on how much to take this or that girl. That is not what I am really trying to do here. Some chain gogo bars and all kinda have their own theme. Plenty of beer bars and Ladyboy bars also. Pattaya has a reputation for a little rougher walking street. Pickpockets and aggressive lady/ladyboys. My advice as always do not drink to much do use common sense and respect. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS !! I have heard that the city is going to be removing most of the crazy neon signs on walking street and cleaning up the random prostitution to make Pattaya a family-friendly place. As of July 2017, I had not seen any sign of that.