Fairtex Training Center ,Pattaya Thailand

.Fairtex training center Pattaya, Thailand
179/185 212, N Pattaya Rd, Muang Pattaya,
Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150, Thailand
I did not prebook any training at Fairtex training center. Just sent them a message on Facebook and they informed me when The times for private training were so I just walked from my room and got a trainer when I arrived. The private training was 1500THB / 45USD. For other pricing hit them up on Facebook IM and they respond fairly quick.
Located on the north end of the Beach area and Also being that this is a full resort it is super easy to get to. The hotel that houses the training center is right on the main street so any motorbike taxi or regular taxi can get you there easy. Also if you become familiar with the Bhat bus you can get very close for just 10THB / .30USD. So the location is very accessible and easy to get to.
Overall Experience
I sent an IM on Facebook to get in touch with someone at Fairtex training center for a little more info and they responded quickly and answered my questions. So I just headed over to get some training in. When I got to the Fairtex Hotel, you go into the main lobby and talk to the same people you would if you were checking into the hotel. A very nice lady behind the counter asks if I have already trained with them or if I had a Kru ( teacher ) that I wanted to work with. It was my first visit so they paired me up with Kru Samart. they give you a receipt to give to your trainer and you head back to the area in the back where the gym and training facility is located.
I arrived and at that point, I was the only person in the training area and soon Kru Samart came out introduced himself and asked me to meet him in one of the rings so we could start. As most of my training, we started with jump rope warm-up. After that was time to wrap up and put on some gloves. Time to hit pads. starting with boxing combos and moving into elbows and then full Muay Thai combos with cutting angles and blocking. Kru Samart was super fun to work with and between rounds treated me just like the fighters you see at the Muay Thai fights. Giving me water, stretching out my legs and giving me motivation. The training is set up here in rounds so your training 4-minute rounds and 1-minute break.
The training was super positive. Kru Samart was very motivating and fun training.I got many good pointers and all of what we worked on I have been incorporating into my daily training and coaching.
Fairtex training center Staff
Fairtex training center reception staff was very professional and there also is a kind of mid-reception area as you head into the gym area. Also staffed by very friendly people. As far as the training staff all that I met were very friendly and knowledgeable. Kru Samart made my training with him very upbeat and enjoyable.
Fairtex training center Facility
Fairtex training center is an all-inclusive resort Muay Thai setting. The hotel itself is very nice and the gym is great. A full weight training area and large heavy bag area. Everything seems clean more than many Thai gyms I have been to. All the bags seem to be in good shape along with all the mats and rings. While I was training there they did start the newest addition to the gym. They had tennis courts that are now being replaced by an MMA area. I did notice the huge BlackHouse MMA banner. So this will all be a welcoming addition to an already stellar facility. I do know they offer training accommodation packages so check out the website for information on that.
Pro Shop
They have a fully stocked pro shop inside the gym with the latest Fairtex clothing and gear all you could want or need for training.
They also have a full pro shop outside near the main entrance by the road. I found the staff here to be great. I bought a pair of shorts that had ended up to be too small. It happened to be like 3 or 4 days later. The lady trusted me that I had not worn them and let me change for a size up. I will be doing a video soon with a bunch of Thai short, side by side reviews.
I will be doing a video soon on Fairtex training center. Look out for that soon!
Where I stayed >>>>>